Saturday, October 23, 2010

may the four winds blow you safely home

that line is from the song "franklin's tower"...there are humorous dicussions regarding what the song is about. robert hunter, the song's lyricist is normally SILENT on the possible meaning of his songs...but he broke his silence about this one. perhaps it was all of the funny hypotheses...i don't know.

but he said this song was written when his son was just a boy. it was about hoping and trusting that the kid would turn out alright (and all right)...there is a bit of resignation in hunter's song...kind of like "well, fate, i trust you...bring this kid home".

there's some of that in us, too. we must trust God for our children's well being. but there is something more...and that is what we've "put into" our children during their lives. how it is important to us to teach and talk about the things of God with them. in formal settings and in informal settings. during the (hopefully) occasional lecture and when they are asking some questions. when they've messed up and when they've done well. when we've messed up and when we've done well.

so, i pray for our families...those with young children, those with teenagers, those with grown children...

i pray God would keep our children safe and unspoiled by this world. i pray that, even now, God would bless them with knowlege and light up their hearts that they might know they are His. that they might see Him and know Him and love Him and follow Him. and be kept by Him all of thier days.

and i pray for us, that God would use our example to speak truth to their lives. to speak grace to their lives. to speak holiness to thier lives. to speak love to their lives. that He would cause them to somehow forget our failings (hopefully because we've asked them for forgiveness) and remember our strengths. 

i pray God that He would work wonders in the lives of our children. Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

5 More Things the Wind Does

the Wind hovered over the waters of the empty earth
the Wind blows through our lives and reveals our emptiness
the Wind whispers in your ear "pssst...this is the way, walk ye in it"
the Wind comes along side and puts His arm underneath and gives us strength
the Wind brings new life

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 Things the Wind Does

the wind cools you off when your hot
the wind heats the fire when you are cold
the wind gives power to those who harness it
the wind sings a lullabye as it blows through the trees

the wind wreaks havoc

hello, again

hey folks,

the old blog went by the wayside after dis-use...this one might end up there too. but, i'll give it another shot. i'll probably go there and steal some old posts--that's not unethical is it? stealing from yourself?